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This Lucid Air electric car winter test video reminds us snow can be good

Clear's Air is a 1,000 HP electric dream auto, which is still in the early phases of certifiable testing, yet which as of now has more than a couple EV fans energized. Presently, the organization is flaunting its winter conditions testing, graciousness of a video shot in Minnesota that makes the state much more engaging than any tourism agency showcasing I've ever observed.

The video incorporates film shot amid the Lucid group's trying, which was intended to help it demonstrate out its PC based recreations in real snow, ice and blended street conditions. The temperatures amid these drives achieved lows of - 18F, which is cool even by my subarctic Canadian norms.

As any individual who does a ton of snow driving can let you know, whatever we do is attempt to accomplish greatest, Fast and Furious-style float bends, all the time – whether we're out for a brisk outing to get a few basic supplies, or simply doing our every day drive.

No regardless this looks super fun, but then likewise under control (on account of specialists, obviously), which is appropriate with regards to Lucid's pitch that the Air will be a vehicle worked for drivers. The Air is as yet going for 2018 for a creation time span, and ought to hit around the $100,000 check for estimating, in the event that you need to begin sparing those pennies for this winter warrior.

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